Sunday, 4 March 2012

Making Dolls' House Interiors in 1/12 Scale

Making Dolls' House Interiors by Carol and Nigel Lodder is one of my all-time favourite miniatures books. I have used it for inspiration for the decor and furnishings in several of my projects. It's a book I refer to over and over again. I always try for realism in my minis and that is why I appreciate the book so much - the room settings and furniture look so real. If you didn't know they were in 1:12 scale, you might think, from the beautiful photographs, that you were looking at real size scenes.
   Chapter One gives you all the information you need for starting out - tools, materials, safety, and basic methods. Then it moves straight into projects to create various rooms in different eras. The book has chapters on:

  • The Country Kitchen (Victorian era)
  • The Scullery (in a cottage and in a Victorian town house)
  • The Parlour (Victorian and Edwardian examples)
  • The Bedroom  (an attic room and a Victorian bedroom)
  • The Sitting Room (a 1950s room and a 1960s bedsit)
  • The Town Kitchen (a modern one and a Victorian one)
  • The Georgian Room ( as a bedroom and as a drawing room)
  • The Tudor Room (as a kitchen and as a parlour)
  • The Garden (a verandah and porch scene)
Each chapter gives instructions for the roombox dimensions and features, the decoration and lighting, the fixtures, the furniture and the accessories. The photographs are beautiful. 
   What I especially like is that all the patterns for making furniture etc are at the size you need - there's no faffing round trying to scale them up or down. Just photocopy them, cut them out and you're ready to start making minis. 


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