Accessories I've made from free printables for my dolls houses |
Have you discovered the wonderful range of free printies for dolls houses yet? There are so many things you can make out of paper and card when you visit websites that have printables for miniatures. All you need to do is print what you want on your home printer, then glue them onto thin card, cut them out and construct them by folding and glueing. Easy peasy!
Items range from boxes and bags; books, magazines and newspapers; packages of toiletries and food; signs and labels; games and toys, and wallpapers, flooring and maps. There are even dolls houses in 1:144 scale that can be found as free printables.
Here are some of my favourite websites for printies:
- This has an extensive range, especially in 1:12 scale wallpapers.
- Printies are available here in several scales in many categories. Especially useful for modern mini settings.
- Some beautiful labels and food packaging amongst a good range of items
- Search under 'printies' for examples and also a good section of instructions for constructing printables.
Be prepared to spend an enjoyable time looking at these sites! You'll find so many ideas of extra accessories to add to your mini projects. And they're free!
Thanks for sharing the links. ;)
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure! I've found wonderful things to make from these sites.